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What are Complete Streets?

Streets are for people, and Complete Streets are designed and operated to enable safe access for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities.

Complete Streets may look different and contain different elements depending on the location. In urban communities like Stamford, the concept of Complete Streets goes beyond safety, tying in with issues of human health, equity, aesthetics, economic development, environmental protection, and livability,

all within a specific neighborhood context.

Complete Streets represents a paradigm shift in traditional road construction philosophy. Instead of a reactive attempt to accommodate bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly practices in projects, Complete Streets policies require all road construction and improvement projects to begin by evaluating how the right-of-way serves all who use it.*

Want to hear more? It's actually quite a fascinating read for a Stamford resident!

Many thanks to the Stamford Department of Transportation and Luke Buttenwieser for providing us, the residents of Stamford such an indepth look into our city streets and how to make them safe for all!

*Source: City of Stamford

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